If I saw my wife Barbie S. fingering herself in this position while fucking. I knew then the guy wasn't 'measuring up'. When she fingered her clit while riding them, it was to turn them both on so he's cum harder in her pussy. She'd fuck the smaller cocked guy to get them to cum in her pussy then kick them out so I could take over. This didn't happen often, but it did once or twice that I'm aware of. You take your chances when you pick up a CSU student at Washington's in downtown Fort Collins CO. on a Saturday night.
She is a good girl! I love when a woman masturbates while I fuck her! A lot of women are too self conscious to do it...but many women just need that extra something to cum hard... and I do like it when a woman cums hard while I am inside!
That guy doesnt realise how lucky he is ! Amazing body like that to fuck